Archive for Tag: strategies

Tips To Network Successfully

I’m so excited to lead a new networking chapter in Fairfax, Nexco. It was founded by a great group of businessmen whom I consider friends, and I’m honored to have been chosen to be the voice of this particular...

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Avoid These Common Tax Mistakes BEFORE Tax Time!

The deadline for taxes has long passed, and those who needed to file an extension surely have done so by now. Many of us have already received our returns, and were a little underwhelmed by what we got back...

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Know Who Your Clients Are In the New Year-My Top Ten: Part Two

We started off my Top Ten with some of the most common challenges in client personalities. Here, you’ll find the conclusion of my Top Ten with some of the most challenging clients you’ll encounter and how to curtail them before they jeopardize your reputation. 6. Mr. “I Don’t Know, Maybe, What Do...

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